For Food's Sake Eat

We’ve started a Newsletter!


We’ve started a Newsletter!

We’ve started a Newsletter!

One of the challenges of running a small enterprise is that you literally do not have a budget to advertise …and yet you absolutely need it. We compete in a space with giants who can run campaigns and have reputations spanning years. How do we ever get there when our resources are so small that some of us are the boss, marketer etc and our homes are the business premises? Advertising is something we only plan to do when we grow…but to grow, we need to advertise.

I made this little newsletter to support the guys, foodpreneurs, who cannot for one reason or other go the regular advertising way. It will run once every 2 months, it is not free, there will be a small charge but there will always be one space allocated to someone who absolutely needs to run and ad for free, write me, I’ll be glad to discuss.

For the first issue, we have Kyaninga Dairy Cheese, made in Fort portal. They are a not for profit and all their proceeds go to supporting the Kyaninga Child Development Center, a place where children with disabilities can go for therapy services. We also have Asali wa Moyo honey. I’ve written a story about them before, I am mesmerized by their honey and you will be too. We have a young buisness woman called Perry; I used to think that everyone could make good kipoli but that is not the case. I learnt that the hard way when I found that several different batches (because I write about food, I eat a lot of different stuff) from different sources just weren’t as smooth, tasty or as kind on my stomach as hers was. We then have Lutaro, a vegetable seller in Nakawa market. He has been doing his business for 7 years. He inspired me by getting on something and sticking to it.

This newsletter is meant to help us expand our circles. You have a good product, you know it, you say good things about it, your friends do too. Now give other people a chance to know the same and perhaps spread the word too. Write to us at or Instagram or Facebook us if you want to have your SME in here too and we can take it from there.

PS: Feel free to download and share.


Happy Women’s day!

4 thoughts on “We’ve started a Newsletter!

  1. Thanks for these. I get overwhelmed in Nakawa Market so I end up just picking from whomever just so I can get out of there. I will definitely look for Lutaro when I go next. My family loves kipoli and this morning I was told that my recent buy was bitter (I think it had only simsim) so I will try Perry’s. Could you do an article on how to best use goat cheese or some dishes that use goat cheese or gat’s curd? Would love to try it but not sure how I would use it.

    The newsletter is a great idea!

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