By now we all know about BUBU and supporting our own and Africa is the future. All of that good stuff. But isn’t it just the greatest when our own things are not hard to support? When after hearing about them, you try them and they are not a let-down?
We have been presented with so many options for sweets that it is hard to know when to say yes or no. We eat candy mindlessly, picking up whatever is at the supermarket exit counter or whatever is in the prettiest pack. We don’t really know what goes into these things we pop into our mouths and the mouths of children in our care.
I would like to inform you that with Aroma honey toffee, you can actually KNOW. You know from the pack that they are made in the mother land, you know they are made with honey, they have a sell by date. The knowledge doesn’t end there. When you open the pack of 12, you will know what flavour to pick out based on your mood. It is not a blind taste like most assorted candies, you actually get to choose. If you need a little extra push. Here are 6 times to eat Honey Aroma toffee.
1. When you just can’t with this lockdown
How long has this been going on? Too long. One day you will be operating just fine, and the next day it will dawn on you that it has been years of living in this crazy state. You know what, for now, there is nothing to do but to seek out and savour the sweet delicacies of life wherever you might find them.

2. When you need some coconut
Who doesn’t like coconut? It smells good, it feels good, it tastes good. If you are a lover of bounty candy, here is a version that isn’t too sweet and is a little healthier for you.
3. When you like coffee in all its forms
Coffee lovers, I don’t really get it, but I respect you. Dig in and let me know what you think.
4. When you need a clean sugar buzz
Literally every processed food has sugar in it. Even the salty ones that don’t look like they have sugar. While sugar isn’t evil. Too much of anything is never good. But honey isn’t just sweet, it is rich in antioxidants, it can soothe a sore throat, it is a good source of energy and sooo much more.
5. When you just can’t with your period
This isn’t just for women. It’s for the men who would like to support us in that slightly uncomfortable/horrific time (depending on who you are ) time of the month.
If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we want to be comfortable during our period. And candy that has honey and nuts can provide that. I personally recommend the peanut ones. They give that extra chewy nutty comfort even after the toffee has melted away.

6. When you JUST CAN’T about your finances.
Listen, you are a serious individual. You had a plan at the beginning of the year that has totally imploded because, you know, COVID. Why not just pop a coconut toffee? Don’t just chew on it. Take your time and suck on it and know that everything will fall into place.