Here’s a little something to brighten your day! A new pizzeria and grill house just opened in Bukoto/Naguru.
I have had the pizza there twice, so I figured I should stop keeping the goodness to myself. The first time was at their opening when it was super cheap; my comrades and I enjoyed the chicken pizza and vowed to return.

The next time was last month (pre lock down) when I was looking for legit gluten free pizza in Kampala. Found it!
I don’t know what I was expecting but matooke and rice flour dough…calls to mind a grossed out face.
But it was-the perfect disc of reds and greens. If you like thick crust, this will appeal to you. The first upside to this flour, is that the pizza is very light. ‘Fluffy’ is the word the chef used. There is an even distribution of everything and you won’t have a case of hard edges; you can eat those too.

Seldom do I eat something that I immediately want to run home and write about. This was one of those times. I was a bit apprehensive but dare I say, it was actually better tasting than pizza made with the ordinary flour! If you have an extra 6k, top up and get the gluten free one, you won’t regret it. (This pizza goes for 24k)
While you eat your sausage topped chicken pizza, don’t be surprised to discover bacon UNDER THE CHEESE. I knew it would be there but I was still surprised to find it.
What is the smell of pizza? Deliciousness? Maybe.
Sound of the blender. The kitchen area is open so you can look into the kitchen if you like but somehow this doesn’t feel intrusive (for you). If that doesn’t appeal, you can sit outside instead.

Full disclosure, I know the chef so I had a chance to taste some of the other offerings, on the house-you might not be so lucky. If you think this might make me be biased, please pass by and try this pizza yourself.

These are some of the other things going on on the menu.
The grilled pork- I just had a rib, one bite was enough. Get. It. The secret? This pork is prepared for 3 days.
The porex-I always swear by my road side guy but this chicken rolex with a house sauce (I’m not talking your tomato sauce with some spice) a bit of mayo and a dash of cheese is well worth its 15k price.
English breakfast-I didn’t taste this but I was pleased to see there are a lot more greens ,including spinach and free refills on the tea/coffee. That’s 25k
Find them here to make your order.
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