What’s one of the best things about Honey Aroma Toffee? It immediately lets you know what to expect. Unlike many assorted candies that make you to guess what they are all about, forcing you to unwrap them and pop them in your mouth before you know anything-you know the kind, you find nuts when all you were hoping for was a smooth experience-this candy tells you what to expect with a label on each individual sweet. If only life were that simple. By the way, they contain no processed sugar. Yup, a sweet with NO PROCESSED SUGAR.
Each pack/the pack of 12 I got had Coconut, Peanut, Coffee and Ginger toffees. Because we have had enough surprises for 2 years, here’s what to expect when you buy a pack of Honey Aroma Toffees.

Understand that pea nut means different things in different countries. This to me felt more like a hazel than a kinyebwa but I could be wrong. This is one of those candies that has a healthy balance of fudge and nut. Chew right from the start and I promise you, you will be surprised at how quickly this particular variety gets finished.
Let me take this moment to mention that if you leave the candy wrapper in the room it will colour the air with the sweet scent of honey.
“It smells like solidified honey” commented a friend after opening one of the candies.
Moving on.

There is something about coconut. Its scent in shampoo, body and hair oil and in food is like coming home to some. But what about that chewy texture. With this candy, after all has fallen away, only the coconut will be left behind and I kind of liked that the honey, toffee and everything were kind enough to let the coconut close the show, as it were.
So remember those toffees we used to eat as kids? The kinds that would get stuck in your teeth and you’d have to gouge them out with your fingers (talking to pre 1990 born babies)? These are not that. I need to ask them how they pulled this one off. This isn’t just with the coffee variant, it’s about all of them.
Anyway, onto coffee. It seems to be the darkest in colour of all the varieties. My advice? Don’t chew it too fast. Alternate between mild chewing and sucking. A chew suck, chew suck, rhythm is what you should aim for. This way, the candy will last longer and won’t be such a task on the good old gums. It is tempting to feel that you must chew the toffees like gum, but pace yourself, it really is better this way. It’s not a task to complete. Take your time, enjoy it. Do not be surprised if like at the bottom of a home-made cup of coffee, there are what feels like coffee grinds after the sweet is done.

Now if you need a ‘wake me up’, ginger is the one for you. It has that distinct sting of ginger that gives you that little bit of alertness. I didn’t want to be alert so when I riffled through the box, I kept ginger for last.
Do give these candies a try and let me know what you think. A pack of 12 goes for 20k. Aroma honey toffees have a shelf life of 2 weeks but that can be extended when you keep them in the fridge.
It is great to open the fridge for a tomato and find a peanut honey aroma candy on the rack. It might just be what you need to brighten your day.
Kangye talked to the proprietor about her journey. Pop by for that and to Jumia to buy.